
Event: ERC Evaluation Interviews Webinar

Registration deadline:
No registration is needed for this event
Event type:
Applicants to ERC frontier research calls



Aim of the event

UKRO, in its capacity as UK National Contact Point for the European Research Council (ERC), is organising a webinar for researchers who have been retained for Step 2 in ongoing ERC evaluation processes and thus have been invited to be interviewed by the expert panels.

The webinar will provide participants with a practical overview of the interview stage in ERC evaluation processes. These take place for the Starting, Consolidator, Advanced and Synergy Grant schemes in the ERC programme. We aim to support attendants with tips on how to prepare, description of what the meetings with the panel involve and other factors to consider such as remote presentation skills.

The webinar will not be specific to any of the calls in particular because there is no significant difference for this part of the evaluation process between Starting, Consolidator & now Advanced Grants. However, we do understand that the applicants at the different stages might tend to experience the interviews differently so we will design the webinar to be helpful and inclusive to a range of perspectives.

Who should attend?

The sessions are aimed at:

  • researchers who have been or may yet be invited to Step 2 of the evaluation process for the 2021 Starting, Consolidator and Advanced Grant calls.
  • research support staff who will be supporting these applicants.

Programme outline

Wednesday 8 September 2021 (10:00 – 11:30 UK time) – provides:

  • a reminder on the ERC evaluation process and the role of the interview in it,
  • tips on how to prepare,
  • description of what the meetings with the panel involve and
  • other factors to consider such as remote presentation skills.

There will be ample opportunity to ask questions during the webinars.

Attendance will be free of charge, but registration for each webinar is required.

Technical specifications

This webinar will be delivered using the ‘Zoom’ online conference facility.

The webinar will be recorded and made available for streaming alongside a copy of the presentation slides after the live transmission.

Please let us know if you have feedback on this website.