
Event: ERC 2023 Synergy Grant Information Webinar 2 of 2

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Session 2: Submission and Evaluation (PDF 2.8MB)


Watch the recording
Passcode: 1Z.kW!T5

Aim of the event

The UK Research Office (UKRO), in its capacity as UK National Contact Point for the European Research Council (ERC NCP), held two information webinars on 27 and 29 June for Principal Investigators and organisations interested in applying to the 2023 ERC Synergy Grant call. which is tentatively set to open on 13 July 2022 with a deadline of 8 November 2022.

The second webinar focused on:

  • information on the submission process;
  • how proposals are evaluated; and
  • other elements to consider when designing a project for your big research idea.

Who should attend?

The sessions are aimed at:

  • researchers based in or moving to the UK who are planning to submit a proposal to the 2022 ERC Synergy call
  • collaborators abroad who are working on a proposal with UK-based colleagues
  • the research support staff who will be supporting these applications.

Applicants are expected to be active researchers and to have a track record of excellent research.

Please let us know if you have feedback on this website.