
Event: Horizon Europe – Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Doctoral Networks 2025 – Call info day

08:30 UK time
Registration deadline:
Event type:
potential applicants to the MSCA-DN-2025 call for proposals
Register to attend

Aim of the event

  • Inform all potential applicants and stakeholders about the key aspects of the MSCA-DN-2025 call for proposals
  • Promote the Industrial Doctorate and Joint Doctorate modes and present the main incentives

Who should attend?

This is an information event for anyone interested in the MSCA-DN-2025 call for proposals which will open on 28 May 2025.

Programme outline

The Doctoral Networks are a key part of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions under the Framework Programme Horizon Europe. There are three different implementation modes: Standard Doctoral Networks (DNs), Joint Doctorates (JDs) and Industrial Doctorates (IDs).

The MSCA 2025 Call Info event aims at informing all potential applicants and stakeholders about all important requirements for 2025 and promoting the ID and JD modes. The participants will have the opportunity to raise their questions through Slido, in advance of the event (as of 29 May 2025) and during the Q&A session of the event.

It will be an online event, which will be opened with a welcome address and some introductory remarks, followed by the main presentation of the DN-2025 call. After a short coffee-break, a live Q&A session will take place through Slido.

Download agenda