Study Visits to Excellent Research Organisations in non-Widening Countries

The NCP_WIDERA.NET project allows researchers and research support staff (RMAs) from Widening countries to visit leading research institutions in Finland, Germany, Spain and Italy.

The visits aim to provide participants with valuable learning through access to excellent practices and networks. Depending on their needs and specificities, participants can then apply such practices at their research institutions.

This is also a unique opportunity for excellent organisations in non-widening countries to expand their collaborative networks with widening countries that are high on the EU policy agenda and tap into available funding opportunities as advanced partners and mentors.

Three study visits have taken place so far, targeting RMAs. A total number of 61 research support staff members from 20 widening countries participated, visiting a total of six hosting organisations:

  • The first study visit for Research Managers and Administrators (RMAs) was held on 14-16 February 2024 at the Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia, Spain.​
  • The  2nd study visit for RMAs was organised on 14-16 May 2024 at Tampere University in Finland.
  • The 3rd study visit for RMAs was held on 26-28 June 2024 at the consortium of Spanish institutions in health and environment (ICM/CSCI, IDAEA/CSIC, ISGlobal, VHIO)

The visits offered a three-day programme with informative sessions, interactive and networking sessions, team activities, and guided visits to core facilities and labs.

In the frame of this activity, WIDERA NCPs provide essential support, both by participating in the visits and through their role of supporting and facilitating discussions and networking to bridge different research and innovation landscapes. In addition, the visits offer the opportunity to gain insight into the current and future policy framework of the WIDERA Programme.

The next visits are scheduled for September and October 2024. Turku University of Applied Sciences hosts the fourth visit, which targets researchers. The fifth visit, in October, is at the University of DFKI, Robotics Innovation Centre, and it targets both researchers and RMAs.

36 participants from 17 countries will have access to various activities, including infrastructure tours, networking and collaboration opportunities on funding opportunities and information on best practices in research support services, fundraising, communication and technology transfer services.

More information is available on the NCP_WIDERA.NET website.

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