Horizon 2020 Audits Webinar
This virtual event will be organised in the context of the EU-wide Horizon 2020 Communication Campaign and will include presentations on Horizon 2020 audit requirements by EC legal officers and CAS auditors.
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This virtual event will be organised in the context of the EU-wide Horizon 2020 Communication Campaign and will include presentations on Horizon 2020 audit requirements by EC legal officers and CAS auditors.
The UK Research Office (UKRO), in its capacity as UK National Contact Point for the Horizon Europe 2021 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA), is holding a information webinar for organisations and individuals interested in applying to the MSCA Researchers at Risk 2021 Call.
The UK Research Office (UKRO), in its capacity as UK National Contact Point for the Horizon 2020 European Research Council (ERC), is holding a webinar on the interview portion of the ERC evaluation, specifically for the 2020 Consolidator and Synergy grants.