
Event: What can MSCA under Horizon Europe do to boost your business?

11:00 to 12:30 UK time
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Introduction and resources (PDF 471KB)

MSCA in Horizon Europe (PDF 1MB)
Eleni Konsta, Policy Officer, European Commission, DG EAC, MSCA unit (please note that the information in this presentation is preliminary and subject to the adoption of the work programme)

The Non-academic Sector in MSCA (PDF 527KB)
Smadar Hirsh, Senior Director, Israel Innovation Authority and Horizon 2020 NCP

Experience from an SME (PDF 1MB)
Gavin McConvey, Action Mental health, MSCA RISE project MENHIR

Case Studies of non-academic sector involvement in MSCA funded projects (PDF 2MB)
Jordi Valls, MSCA Fellow, Bruker Optik GmbH, MSCA ITN MONPLAS

The Context is Half the Work, supporting Practice-led Research Through Inter-Sectoral Partnerships (PDF 4MB)
Sven Anderson, MSCA Fellow, Theatrum Mundi, MSCA IF Sound-Frameworks.


Watch the recording
Passcode: MSCA#SME21

Aim of the event

The UK Research Office (UKRO), in its capacity as UK National Contact Points (NCPs) for MSCA and in collaboration with EURAXESS UK and the UK NCPs for SMEs, held a webinar to discuss what MSCA, under Horizon Europe, can do to boost your business.

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) directly support excellent research, boosting jobs, growth and investment. MSCA also help organisations to strengthen their research capacity and to build sustainable international and inter-sectoral partnerships and networks thereby enhancing their global reputation and visibility.

Who should attend?

The webinar is aimed at those in non-academic organisations, including industries and SMEs, who are interested in developing a better understanding of how they can utilise MSCA funding to boost their business objectives. The event would also be of interest to researchers and other staff in the UK and across Europe who are interested in working with partners outside of academia.

The webinar provides participants with an overview of the different initiatives and elements of the various MSCA funding opportunities that would be the most relevant for the non-academic sector.

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